Retreat Preparation - your help appreciated

Our time together is close! So I can prepare for you, I need your help now. There’s all sorts of logistics to sort:

  • Travel, arrivals & greeting

  • Allocating and booking accommodation

  • Confirming catering needs

  • Follow up online session attendance or not?

  • And more…

It’s a bit like herding cats!

For each you there are multiple pieces of information needed. Getting all this info from each participant can be a bit like herding cats! Please could you help?

I’d love to get the logistics out of the way asap, so I can focus on preparing the facilitation and content - the bit I love! and the bit you love too - but hey, we still have to sleep, eat etc too! Even though you may have already given me some of this info - would you mind putting it here in one place? A few quick boxes to tick.

To keep you in the loop I’ve sent a document outlining what to expect, where to go and what you need to bring. I have a number of questions for you. Please could you answer me here and rather than on email - this way it’s all in one place in the same format and I avoid going crazy looking for things. Thank you!

Please could you complete the form below?